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Drop Off and Pickup at Merrill Auditorium (20 Myrtle St. Portland) for Rehearsals and Performances
The stage door is located on Myrtle Street closer to Cumberland Ave. and is marked as "Rehearsal Hall."  All performers enter the backstage area through this entrance.
Please limit one adult per family for dancer drop-off and pick-up.  Enter the stage door, go to your assigned dressing area, and sign in. Angels, Reindeer, Cherubs, Little Pages, Soldiers, Little Drummer, and Little Ribbon Candies need to be signed in and out by an adult.
At the discretion of each family, older dancers may be dropped off/picked up without an adult entering the building.  Dancers being picked up are asked to remain in the building until their ride arrives.
To limit the number of people in the building, family members should not plan on remaining backstage during rehearsals or performances.  Exceptions: Reindeer, Little Pages, Little Drummer, and Cherubs for their initial rehearsal at the theater may have an adult wait backstage.
Where do I park?
There are several fee-based parking lots in the area and some street parking.  Eight (8) spots directly in front of the Stage Door are reserved for the convenience of full-time staff so please do not park there.
What time should I arrive for Rehearsals at Merrill Auditorium?
The times indicated on the rehearsal schedule are “on-stage” times.  Please arrive early to Merrill Auditorium so dancers are prepared and on time in appropriate dance attire/shoes.  We generally line up dancers for their rehearsal about 10 minutes before the scheduled time.
What Time Should I Arrive For Performances and Dress Rehearsals

at Merrill Auditorium?
Performers in Act I should arrive and sign in one hour before the beginning of the performances and dress rehearsals.  Performers in only Act II should arrive and sign in 30 minutes before the beginning of the performances and dress rehearsals.
Which performers can watch the show?
Reindeer, Cherubs, and Little Pages may watch Act I in the audience with a purchased ticket. These dancers must sign in backstage at least 30 minutes before show time and return immediately at the beginning of intermission by quickly exiting the auditorium through the front lobby, walking down Myrtle Street, and entering the Stage door.  Use of the restroom is highly encouraged before dropping off your dancer.
Soldiers and Little Drummer may watch Act II in the audience with a purchased ticket.
Food and Water Backstage
During performances, food should be put away.  Bring spill-protected water bottles.  Be considerate of those with allergies.  We have some dancers with severe nut allergies, avoiding any nut snacks is appreciated.
Due to copyright, photos/videos during performances are prohibited. 
Flowers are for sale in the lobby.  Backstage delivery service is available for performers.
Meet and Greet Following Performances
Families and friends are not allowed backstage following performances.  If dancers are meeting people outside after performances, remove your costume.
What about costumes, hair, and makeup?
Maine State Ballet owns all the costumes.  For additional items that are needed refer to the role descriptions below.  A limited amount of tights, leotards, trunks and makeup is available for purchase at Maine State Ballet’s boutique.
Please refer to the role descriptions below for specific details.






Confection Pages

Little Pages

Little Ribbon Candies - Girls and Boys


Party Boys

Party Girls



Soldiers and Little Drummer

Sugar Plum Pages


Get in Touch

348 U.S. Route One 

Falmouth, ME  04105

Phone:  207-781-7672

Box Office:  207-781-3587


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© 2025 Maine State Ballet

Photo copyrights C.C. Church Photography

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